privacy policy

Mamas Ravioli

Last update: November 5, 2020

The confidentiality of your data is very important to us. We attach great importance to the collection and processing of confidential data. This is why please study this page of the Data Privacy Policy carefully.


When you create an account in the Mamas Ravioli application, we ask for your name and email address. This is the only way we can create your new account. We will never sell personal information to third parties, nor will we use your name or company in marketing campaigns without your permission.

When you pay through our application, we ask for your credit card. This way, you can pay for your order with the card, if this is your preferred option. Your credit card is sent directly to our payment processor and never passes through our servers. We store a record of the payment transaction, including the last 4 digits of your credit card number, for your account history, billing, and billing support.

When you write to us at to ask for help or ask a question, we will keep your correspondence and email address for future reference. When you browse our marketing pages, we'll track them for statistical purposes (such as conversion rates and test new designs and products). We also store any information you voluntarily provide, such as surveys, as long as it makes sense.

When you use the app, you must provide an email address in the first step to create our account. Second, when ordering food with delivery, you must provide an address where you want your order to be delivered.

When you create an account you can choose to sign in with your Facebook or Gmail account, in which case we have access to a limited amount of information, email address, name and, in some cases, photo.

When you browse our application (cookies, IP, etc.)

We process this information on the legal basis for the execution of a user agreement, so that you can easily log in to our application and use it to place orders. This data will be retained for the duration of the user account until the user deletes / deactivates the account.

Our application gives you the opportunity to send feedback. We use these feedback messages to improve our work. We will keep these messages and information you provide through the feedback form for at least 3 years.

When you sign up for any promotion or competition we may offer through our app, we process your relevant data for that event, confirm user registration, draw conclusions and choose the winners of the contests. This data is stored for at least 3 years.

We will use this data only to improve our services and products and to provide content and messages, newsletters according to your preferences.

We will not send you marketing communications unless you have specifically opted for such communications.


You may have heard of the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") in Europe. GDPR grants to the persons under its protection certain rights regarding their personal information collected by us on the Site. Accordingly, Mamas Ravioli recognizes and will respect the GDPR and those rights, subject to applicable law. GDPR rights include:

Right of access. This includes your right to access the personal information we collect about you and your right to obtain information about the sharing, storage, security and processing of that information.

The right to correction. This is your right to request the correction of your personal information.

The right to delete. It is your right to request, subject to certain limitations in accordance with applicable law, that your personal information be deleted from our possession (also known as the "Right to be Forgotten"). However, if applicable law requires us to comply with your request to delete your information, meeting your request may prevent you from using Mamas Ravioli's services and may result in account closure.

The right to complain. You have the right to make a complaint about the management of your personal information to the appropriate supervisory authority.

The right to restrict processing. This is your right to request a restriction on how and why your personal information is used or processed

The right to the object. It is your right, in certain situations, to object to how or why your personal information is processed.

The right to portability. This is rightto receive the personal information we hold about you and the right to pass it on to another party.

The right not to be subject to automatic decision-making. It is your right to object and to prevent any decision that could have a significant legal or similar effect on you from being taken solely on the basis of automated processes. However, this right is limited if the decision is necessary for the performance of any contract between you and us, is permitted by applicable European law or is based on your explicit consent.

Many of these rights can be exercised by connecting and updating account information directly. If you have any questions regarding the exercise of these rights or need assistance, please contact us at


Mamas Ravioli will not hand over your law enforcement data unless required by law. And if we are not legally prevented from doing so, we will always inform you when such requests are made.


For the complete deletion of your account, please contact us through the mobile application by accessing the menu available at the top left of the mobile application. If you no longer have access to the mobile application, please make this request at the email address For security reasons, the account for which this request is received must be associated with the same email addresses from which the request is sent.

Within 2 working days all content will be permanently deleted. This information cannot be recovered once it has been permanently deleted


Mamas Ravioli may update this policy from time to time - we will notify you of significant changes by emailing your account owner or placing a prominent notification on our site. You may access, modify or delete your personal information at any time by contacting our support team.

Do you have questions about this privacy policy? Please contact us and we will be happy to answer you!